Thursday, August 31, 2006

NICS Domain 3: Pedagogical

NICS Domain 3: Pedagogical
The domain includes competencies related to planning, designing learning environment and experience; teaching, learning and curriculum; assessment and evaluation; and educational technology.


3.1 Plan and design effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology.

3.2 Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment.

3.3 Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners.

3.4 Use media and technology for facilitation of learning, instruction, facilitation and teaching
Integrate technology with the subject matter areas

3.5 Apply technology to develop student’s higher order skills and creativity

3.6 Implement, facilitate and monitor teaching and learning strategies that integrate a range of information and communication technologies to promote and enhance student learning.

3.7 Identify and use assistive technologies for learners with special needs

3.8 Selection and use of appropriate media, technologies and integration strategies to accommodate various learning styles

3.9 Use technology for class preparation using various on line and off line sources (related to writing lesson plans and development of instructional materials

3.10 Utilize ICT tools (computer, radio, TV, hand-held electronic devices) to communicate and accomplish educational goals
Establish learning environments that engage all students in focused learning experience and encourage interactions among teachers and students

3.11 Design appropriate learning activities that apply technology to support the needs of learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics and abilities

3.12 Select technology resources that can be adapted to various learning environments created for diverse learners

3.13 Access resources for instruction planning and/or design available via technology, telecommunications, satellite, cable, and wireless technology

3.14 Access resources for instruction planning and/or design available telecommunications, satellite, cable, and wireless technology

3.15 Demonstrate understanding of the opportunities and implications of the uses of ICTs for learning and teaching in the curriculum context
3.16 Plan, implement and manage learning and teaching in open and flexible learning environments

3.17 Evaluate effectiveness and efficiency of ICT integration in the teaching-learning process

Determine underlying pedagogical assumptions, gender
and ethnic bias, educational relevance, social impact and suitability for the classroom environment, for cooperative learning and peer instruction

3.19 Develop performance tasks that require students to locate and analyze information and to use a variety of media to communicate results clearly

3.20 Use computers and other technologies effectively and appropriately to collect and communicate information in a variety of formats on student learning to colleagues, parents, and others

3.21 Apply technology to facilitate a variety of appropriate assessment and evaluation strategies recognizing the diversity of learners, and use results to refine design of learning activities


Unknown said...

The way I see it, the domain contents of Domain 3 is quite heavy. If not possible to seperate planning and assessment as another domain, I would suggest to have sub domains A and B under this domain.

Nics Domain 3: Pedagogical
3.1 Learning Environnment
3.2 Planning and Assessment

Whereas, everything on curriculum, learning styles and strategies could be under 3.1

Everything about planning, evaluation and assessment can be placed in 3.2.

In this way, we can have a more specific and organized presentation of domain elements.

Just a thoughts.

pdeproject said...

Comment of Mr. Zoilo Galang:
-I agree with Enrique's coment on Domain 3 being broken up into sub-domains.

--Some of the domain elements should be re-written in more concrete behavioral terms. Thus the use of the verb "Understand" should be avoided because this is something not observable. Thus, for example, instead of the domain element "Understand the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of technology" in Domain 1, we could re-write it as "Demonstrate awareness of the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of technology". Similarly, element 2.9 "Understand and use the technology that insure security and privacy" could be re-written as "Use infocomm technologies in ways that respond to security and privacy concerns".

--Element 1.10, "Create student learning groups that are meaningfully linked to the situation and aspirations of the community" is too specific and prescriptive. Suggest to generalize it into "Deliver learning/training programs linked to needs of the community/public."

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