Thursday, August 31, 2006

NICS Domain 4: Professional

NICS Domain 4: Professional
The domain includes competencies related to professional growth and development, research, innovation and collaboration.


4.1 Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies

4.2 Model self-directed attitude towards new content, applications and software, etc.

4.3 Develop and share personal repository of resource materials

4.4 Continuously evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning

4.5 Join user groups and and participate on ICT projects that promote the open innovation and use of technology in education

1 comment:

H Alfonso L Joson said...

I think there is a need to re-word 4.5 into a competency. Unfortunately, I'm having a problem thinking of a suitable statement.
Anyway, I'm thinking along the line of the competency to do research and collaboration as an extension of 4.4. The closest I could think of at the moment is something like "promote the advancement of innovation and use of technology in education".