Thursday, August 31, 2006

NICS Domain 1: Social

NICS Domain 1: Social
The domain includes competencies related to social, ethical, legal and human issues, and community linkage

1.1 Understand the social, ethical, legal and human issues surrounding the use of technology
1.2 Demonstrate the knowledge and skills for using technology in ethical, legal and secure ways
1.3 Promote fair use, privacy, and acceptable use policies
1.4 Recognize and observe the use of licenses (commercial and open source)
1.5 Facilitate the use of technology that addresses social needs, cultural identity, diversity, and promotion of interaction with the global community
1.6 Encourage the atmosphere of respect, honesty, self directed and collaborative learning
1.7 Facilitate the equitable access to technology resources for all
1.8 Plan, promote and model safe and health use of technology resources
1.9 Use tools and applications to communicated with students, parents, teachers, administrators
1.10 Create student learning groups that are meaningfully linked to the situation and aspirations of the community

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